Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nur Farahin was born to be H A P P Y ;)

  Straight to the point is easy for you to know who's the real Nur Farahin .I am the daughter of Kamarudin and Maznah :) not pretty as you honey . berbelit plak lidah nk speakong omputeh ni . haha ! fara normal macam korang tapi tak tau la kalau-kalau korang abnormal lak kan . hehe . joked joked ! fara got nothing to say for now but in my mind rasa macam nak muntahkan semua yang ada dalam kepala otak ni . fara tinggal kat ampang, Kuala Lumpur . Beside the Ampang Hospital . Mcdonald as well and and not forgotten my PANDAN MEWAH HIGH SCHOOL .Hello hello kopiko milo Puan Inson . Lama tak kena dengan cikgu . Kawan-kawan saya rindu kat cikgu :D sumpah rindu warga-warga dan penghuni-penghuni dalam tu . Kalau la boleh reverse balik kan tak best .Tidak mahu ! haha . Fara lebih happy sekarang . Study lagi better sebabnya banyak benda yang takda kat sini . For your information , im currently further my studies at Chendering , Kula Terangganu . I'm getting dark right now . Fully put the blame on Pantai Batu Burok sebab dulu selalu lepak makan kat situ . hahaha ! :D and tak lupa juga fara banyak mengenali ragam manusia yang fara tak pernah tengok and rasa dalam hidup fara before this . Annoying but at the same time so hilarious . Mama always adviced just accept the environment with full of patience, thanks ma ;) Last but not least , Single but not available ;)

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